
excellent site,i started as deck app april 52, sailing first on the Goldmouth, Stonehouse and Carr, a s.african were the other apps, i stayed with Shell until 1964. Then worked ashore till 1968, going to Canada and working for BC ferries, and USMC over to Vietnam,back home i did 8 years with Sealink out of Dover. Returning to Canada 1976, i towed logs, worked for Dome Pete in the Arctic, then on West coast on log ships. Lastly i towed oil rigs thru the Magellan sts. Now im retired and live in Victoria British Columbia. I am so glad i started life afloat, taught me so much Anyway i,d welcome anyone to e,mail re old lives , shipmates etc, often wonder am i the only one left? All seems so long ago now. Bye John R Winsor